Fran McClellan Voiceovers

Fran McClellan Voiceovers

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0 Profile Score

Buffalo Female Voice Talent


Hi there! My name is Fran McClellan and I’m an experienced professional voiceover talent (voiceoverist, voice actor, gum flapper…whichever title floats your boat  ;)).

I provide voiceovers for TV, radio, and Internet commercials, on-air network promos, radio station imaging, corporate and educational narration, e-Learning, web explainer videos, video games, YouTube content, and more.

My voice has been described as youthful, upbeat, conversational, and friendly with a millennial sound (ya know, the best friend, girl-next-door type  ). I deliver broadcast-quality audio from my professional home studio. I’m also available for remote recording sessions via Source-Connect, Bridged ISDN, and ipDTL, as well as directed sessions via phone, Zoom, and Skype.


Female Voice Talents in Buffalo, NY


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