East Haven Male Voice Talent
Michael Valente brings a conversational, informational and knowledgeable delivery perfect for your voiceover needs. Whether you own a small business or a large corporation, Michael promises 100% customer satisfaction with broadcast quality audio, meeting your deadlines and stay within your budget.
If you don’t have a voice for your brand, your message can’t be heard. Having a professional voiceover talent that sounds conversational, knowledgeable, and informative is the best way to communicate with your potential customers. Michael Valente is not just a voice that sells for your business, but he’s the voice that a friend would listen to and can make a connection. That will help you grow your business. Michael is great for explainer videos, telephony (IVR, On-Hold, Voicemail greetings), and commercials (TV, Radio and Internet). All three are crucial for businesses today; whether you’re a big corporation, a small business or a startup just getting your business off the ground.
Learn more at www.valentevoiceover.com.
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