Gabe Donohoe
0 Projects
0 Profile Score

Photographer, camera assistant, grip

What do I put in the subheading?

I just finished my fourth season filming the Alaska state legislature in Juneau for KTOO Public Media. Other than the legislature, we also covered live arts and cultural events for indigenous groups and nonprofits. I performed many positions with KTOO such as production assistant, grip, director, sound mixer, and editor. Before KTOO, I worked as a grip in Los Angeles on commercials and music videos, and worked as a camera assistant for a small team shooting commercials and foreign soap operas. Throughout all of that I have freelanced camera operation and camera assisting in California, Washington and Alaska. I’m passionate about documenting stories and I thrive on collaboration within a team. I now live in Santa Cruz and looking for work!

Grips in Santa Cruz, CA

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