Filming and Video Production Services in Turkey
Film and camera crews. Line production and fixer in Turkey.
Do you want to realize your production goals with the help of a dynamic team that has successfully undertaken hundreds of projects in Turkey and around the world with more than 20 years of working experience? Orient Light Productions’s experienced team has worked with a diverse array of clients ranging from corporations to television channels to production companies from around the world, especially from the UK and the USA. Whether it’s a corporate film or a big budget documentary, our team is here to assist you. Our production crew, experienced in filming in every corner of Turkey -from its mountain peaks to underwater wrecks- and with established local contacts, will assess your needs and offer you high quality but also budget friendly solutions. Get in touch to work with our talented, English-speaking directors, line producers, editors and our technical professionals such as directors of photography, sound people, drone operators, and gaffers to produce your project in the best possible way.
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