Restore Your Core

Verge Media  Miami, FL / Commercial

Verge Media put together ‘Lauren Ohayon | Restore Your Core Promo,’ and it turned out to be a really engaging and dynamic video project that perfectly captures the core restoration vibe. What makes this production special is how we used Lauren’s cozy home as the backdrop, giving the whole thing a super inviting feel.

Our team at Verge Media took this project seriously, but it was also a lot of fun working on it. Lauren’s passion and expertise added a unique energy to the shoot, making it both enjoyable and productive.

The best part was how excited and happy our client was with the final product. They really loved it, and it showed that all our hard work paid off. ‘Lauren Ohayon | Restore Your Core Promo’ by Verge Media is a testament to what happens when you mix talent, a welcoming location, and great collaboration – it’s something truly special.
