"Some words about me: I am a 22 years old student at the University of Bamberg (Bavaria, Germany). My field of study is communication science and a smaller part is applied informatics and European economic studies. Producing edits from concept development over shooting till post production is my passion. It is really a job where I don´t have to look at the clock. I even ended my former dual studies for Brose Bamberg. Only 11 of 600 persons got this chance. Although I made it and my grades were good enough I knew I don´t want to be an engineer even though they paid me a lot of money. I want to work in creative jobs that make me happy and fulfill me. Producing edits is really my dream job. At the moment I am writing my bachelor thesis and working for Ag4 Medien in Bamberg. Our main client is Adidas. I can´t show some of the edits because everything I did there was just for internal use. But in Munich for HeyYou Films I helped producing videos for RedBull. The following trailer and the “All Season Action Edit” were edited by me. Although i got offered a job I…" Read more about Kuhn Andreas…