Top Bellingham, WA Video Production Companies and Professionals
List of Peer to Peer Referrals of the Top Bellingham, WA Video Production Companies and Professionals
"I am a photographer, filmmaker, and editor. I have a BA in film production and around 4 years of experience working as a production assistant, camera assistant, photographer, and editor on independent short films, music videos, corporate interviews, and promotional content."
Read more about Leah Stark
Read more about Leah Stark
Primary Roles
Camera CrewLocation Sound Mixer
"I am a freelance audio engineer with expertise in live broadcast on stage audio. Cabling from broadcast and music trucks to infrastructure, patching complete show, micing full orchestra and or band, podiums and lecturns, audience mics and setting up, frequency coordinating and troubleshoo…
Primary Roles
Wardrobe StylistArt DirectorFood Stylist
"I have been working as a video production designer for 7 years , based out of Bellingham, WA and traveling throughout the country. Over the years I’ve gotten to work with incredible companies and individuals such as Amazon, Aaron Brimhall, SRAM and more. I’m extremely passiona…
Primary Roles
Studio SpaceMale Voice Talent
"Don’t compromise on your visions and dreams; we take the voice you hear in your head and put it into the mind of your audience. Our talent is excellent at taking direction as well as implementing feedback. You will get the project you envisioned and deserve!"
Read more about North Voice Over Seattle, inc.
Read more about North Voice Over Seattle, inc.