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-United States Director

About is an innovative tool for filmmakers – first in the industry artificial-intelligence supported script breakdown and scheduling.

If you’ve ever done script manual breakdowns you know how much time this process may consume, because you have to go through every scene and check which of the elements mentioned are important for production and for which departments.

You would then make breakdown sheets that list all the different elements for each scene, so that the departments can keep track of those things since most probably you will be shooting scenes out of order.

What our tool does is tagging automatically for you all the props, locations, vehicles, everything you need. So, if maybe it won’t be 100% correct, depending on the needs of your production, you will at least have a very good starting point with all of the elements to break down already collected. Moreover, you canĀ  create custom categories and correct all the tags you need.

Breakdown summary export gives a clear big-picture overview of your entire project that you can export in Movie Magic Scheduling, Gorilla Scheduling, Spreadsheets and PDF files.

Filmustage is an online app that runs directly in the browser but we also offer standaloneĀ  app for big production companies who care about privacy.


Directors in -United States


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