Phoenix Producer
Sole-proprietor and production specialist, passionate about all things auditory and visual. From capturing great footage and sound to adding motion graphics to a captivating edit, I drive projects from concept to fruition while staffing and managing teams responsible for production.
-Premier Pro
-After Effects
-Video editing
-Motion GFX
-Asset creation
-Photo editing
-Coordinating production
Video Portfolio (1)
2021 Reel
2021 Reel of production. Producing, coordinating production, editing, motion graphics, music composition and production. Locations vary across the US. Producing… View the Video
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Referrals (0)
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Additional Producers in Phoenix, AZ
Ragtown LLCLiving Fire MediaSeesaw PicturesMax SchapersFilm OftenJosh Skehan ProductionsBlast It MediaFreelance Video Editor/ Producer/ VFX CoordinatorPerlow ProductionsSteve Summers Voice Over & Audio ProductionsNo Brainz Productions LLConeillproducerBLARE MediaArizona FilmworksOptical NarrativeRobert Mayfield
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