Ryan Papai
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Indianapolis Video Editor


The main talents that I offer would be video editing/production, writing, and graphic design.  With video footage in particular, I often handle huge files consisting of hundreds of gigabytes, sometimes even reaching the terabyte mark in some instances.  This is from a combination of recording 4K video footage from various video games, as well as handling GoPro CineForm alphas of green screen footage.  The latter of which originally being 4K Blackmagic RAW footage from a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K.  The former being from a Blackmagic Quad HDMI Recorder used with OBS.  The video game footage in particular being uploaded to YouTube (via a Wi-Fi 6 fiber optic Internet connection), whereas the green screen alphas as used for incorporating me into videos that feature live narration.

The main software that I use for video editing nowadays is Adobe Premier and DaVinci Resolve.  Though personally I prefer the user interface of DaVinci Resolve a little more.  Regardless of the software however, the video editing in general that I would be doing would involve keyframe animation, various transitions, making seamless cuts on voiceovers, adjusting the overall volume of the projects, and more.

The writing experience comes from many years of writing for college, alongside creating initial scripts that I would make for the videos I make.  The scripts for videos are generally there to help create a basic idea of what to follow afterwards: getting your ideas out on a page.  These scripts are even a required for the videos of my current part-time occupation at Tract Learning, Inc (tract.app).  Of course, sometimes there might be a change needed in the video later on, as that’s part of the charm when it comes to video production.

Last but not least with the graphic design is a few other kinds of software such as Adobe InDesign and Photoshop.  The most common usage of which is via cutting out a particular character from a scene and incorporating them into a video.  I also know to do masking, which is the “animated” form of isolating an object from something else.  Though of course, having to create your own green screen frame-by-frame takes a lot of time, and something I don’t often do unless its needed.  And truth be told, a good chunk of the hand-on graphic design experience stems from the video production process.  For I am often in the position of what to keep as the objects of interest, as well as making sure that the various assets readable to the audience.

Video Editors in Indianapolis, IN

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