Offshore shootings, BOSIET certified director, dop, drone operator

Peter Scheid  Ho Chi Minh City / Documentary

Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau, Hanoi BOSIET fully equipped DIRECTOR of PHOTOGRAPHY, Vietnam cameraman, dop, videographer, drone operator, photographer for industrial film, corporate video and documentary film based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. BOSIET, HUET, TSbB certified to shoot on maritime construction sites, for OIL & GAS on & offshore documentations in Asia and beyond.

Fully 4k, 6k equipped director, dop, cameraman, aerial drone, photographer | OPITO approved: 1. BOSIET certification to film offshore  2. TSbB certificate to shoot on ships, rigs, maritime construction sites 3. HUET certificate to shoot from helicopter (underwater escape training) 4. OFFSHORE MEDICAL 5. SURVIVAL TRAINING 6. WORKING at HEIGHTS & FIRE FIGHTING TRAINING
