Amelia Jones
0 Projects
15 Profile Score

Los Angeles Camera Operator


Hey there!

My name is Amelia. I am a photographer/ cinematographer. I have experience filming a few music videos for an artist in Southern California. I would like to get a deeper focus into learning camera work as a DP or camera operator. I have a little experience working on set and working with a few camera operators. I worked as an associate producer on set of a music video. I was an AC on set for an actor’s reel, for a short film, and a music video. I, also, recently worked on set of a national campaign for 7-11 as a social media videographer. I have a great eye for small details and making sure that the scene looks great on camera.

I was wondering if it would be possible to work together as a camera operator or AC. I learn best when I am able to practice in person. I want to learn from the best and I am very passionate about filming, specifically music videos. I would love to get the hands-on experience with you and your team. I have not had much experience operating the camera but I would love to gain experience. I hope to work together on your upcoming project to bring your vision to life and to gain experience.

I have attached a link below to some music videos that I shot. I did not edit these, just filmed them. I really would be grateful for the experience of being on set and just simply learning. I, also, have access to equipment including a Canon r5, Red V-Raptor, lighting, crafty services, etc. Hope to work with you soon.

Camera Operators in Los Angeles, CA

References (1)

Anti-Matter Productions

Anti-Matter Productions

CEO/ Camera operator

I reach out to them to work and learn from them. I have worked on a few projects as an AC. I have learned lighting set ups, helped with getting food, set design, building the camera, and many other tasks.


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