Stock Footage & Distribution company working w/ Crystal Pyramid Productions
San Diego based New & Unique Videos working w/ Crystal Pyramid Productions
New & Unique Videos is San Diego’s first and largest stock footage library since 1985. We offer an extensive stock footage library of contemporary shots from around the world, i.e., people, cities, countrysides, mountain biking, beaches, sunsets, aerial, underwater, Steadicam, and much more. We also provide custom footage. Since 1981, our affiliate company, Crystal Pyramid Productions, has offered full video and film production services, from concept to completion, including animation, editing, narration, music, duplication and packaging.
Archival to Contemporary Clips
New & Unique Videos stock footage library is a one-of-a-kind collection of contemporary and archival images from around the world, including original masters shot on 16mm Film, Betacam SP (1989 -2009), 3/4 ” (1977 -1990), 4K (2015 – present) HD (2004 -present), DVCam (2001-present) and 16 mm film (1954 -1976). All tapes have been logged into a keyword-searchable format (Filemaker Pro) with paper back-ups.
Over the last three decades we have collected stock footage in many different locations of many different topics, thus increasing the scope of New & Unique Videos’ collections. We have also added the formats of High Definition and 4K to our offerings.
New & Unique Videos has San Diego and Southern California clips that reach back to the 1970’s. Our clips have appeared in many corporate and broadcast productions and theatrical releases such as “Anchorman,” “The Joey Show,” “The Tonight Show,” etc. Call 619-644-3000 and visit website for more info :
Video Portfolio (1)
Stock Footage Demo reel
NEW & UNIQUE VIDEOS. We took all the clips we shot around the world, and made them available as San… View the Video
References (3)
Crystal Pyramid Productions
Production Company
Patty Mooney
Patricia Mooney
Primary Roles
Secondary Roles
Grip & Lighting
Referrals (2)
5 Stars
The best in the west for worldwide "New & Unique Video" content 619-644-3000!
New & Unique Videos is a great place to get stock footage from the world over as we have worked with them since 1985.
Very highly recommended !
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