Jeffrey N Baker

Jeffrey N Baker

2 Projects
520 Profile Score

-United States Male Voice Talent


Over 20 Years of theatre experience and awarded the title of Master Thespian by the International Thespian Society. Extensive voice-over training from top tier industry talent. You can rest assured that you will get a voice-over that is eNgaging, eNergetic, and coNfident.


“Invite Jeffrey to the party and it’ll be a success.” – Marc Cashman

Male Voice Talents in -United States

Audio Portfolio (2)

Character Voice Over Demo by…

Character Demo for Jeffrey N Baker featuring characters like the plucky protagonist, funny orc, goofy pirate captain, scared youngin', and… View the Video

Commercial Voice Over Demo b…

Commercial Demo for Jeffrey N Baker featuring Huggies, Home Depot, Chromebook, Pandora, Toyota, and Crowdstrike. Recorded at my home studio… View the Video



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